Parenting is one of the hardest and one of the most enriching jobs to have. No one has all the answers, but when it comes helping your kids stay healthy, be resilient, and prevent substance misuse, there is plenty of helpful information worth checking out.
The following sites are resources for parents/grandparents/family members about youth substance use prevention.
Partnership for Drug Free Kids
My favorite site for parents with all types of information!
The American Academy of Pediatrics offers information on Vaping for parents.
Talk to Your Kids About Marijuana
Quick tips from the National Institute of Health.
MAAD encourages you to have ongoing, intentional conversations with your kids about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking.
How to Prevent Drug Use at Any Age
Kids are different at every age. Young or old, keep the conversation relevant and on-going!
A Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services public service campaign.
Skills to Help Your Child and Family Heal
Use the CRAFT model to build skills in talking to your child.
A site developed by moms for learning about medication abuse.
A guide in caring for your child's mental health and emotional well-being.
The stress of COVID-19 has resulted in a rise in drug and alcohol use and an increase in opioid overdoses. is the time to talk to your teens. #OpioidPrevention #addictionpolicyforum
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Video for parents.
Talking to your kids and setting expectations around drug use is one of the most important things parents can do to influence their child's positive decisions.
Hand Hold MA is a help guide for parents / guardians in caring for their child's mental health and emotional well-being developed by mental health and child development experts in partnership with parents.
Parents, over 90% of adults with a substance use disorder started using alcohol before the age of 18. Learn how alcohol affects a teen brain and talk to your kids about strategies for delaying use.
For more information on marijuana in Massachusetts, check out
Linked below are the handouts and resources on Marijuana from our speaker Jordana Willers, Ed. D. from Institute for Health and Recovery from our Healthy Conversations, Healthy Kids Series: Blunt Talk on Marijuana, What Every Parent Needs to Know.
Marijuana Talk Kit (pdf)
DownloadMarijuana-Potency-Handout (pdf)
Downloadmj_parents_facts_brochure (pdf)
DownloadTalk They Hear You_Marijuana (pdf)
DownloadTalk With Your Child About Marijuana brochure (pdf)
DownloadVaping-Guide-Partnership-for-Drug-Free-Kids (pdf)
DownloadPreventing Marijuana Use Among Youth (pdf)
Downloadmarijuana-research-report (pdf)
DownloadNavigating Addiction and Treatment_Family Guide 2020 (pdf)
DownloadBSAS Quick Guide to Substance Use Services for Young People (pdf)
DownloadBSAS Youth and Young Adult Treatment_Contact Info_Nov 2021 (pdf)
DownloadAlcohol is the most widely misused substance among America's youth. Drinking by young people has big health and safety risks, check out our Community Conversation with Ryan Rivard from Riverside Community Care on Alcohol and Your Health.
October is Healthy Lung Month! We rarely think about breathing except when it's hard to do. Now more than ever it is important to educate ourselves and others of the importance of protecting our lungs. One way to protect our lungs is by not smoking or vaping, as we know vaping has reached epidemic levels in recent years.
Wrapping up Healthy Lung Month we talk about the harmful and mind altering effects of Marijuana. Tune in to learn more about Marijuana, information we feel you need to know and find useful information to talk to your teens about.